OEF calculations
--- Introduction ---
This module actually contains 4 exercises on calculation (addition of fractions, product of signed numbers, rules of priority).
Addition of fractions
Calculate the following :
For that, reduce to the same denominator :
Then, do multiplications :
Last, add (or substract) numerators
And, if possible, simplify :
Priority rules
You have to calculate
Which operation are you going to do first ?
Do it ! (you must simplify fractions) :
Multiplication of signed integers
Calculate :
Transformation by multiplication
How transforms the product of two numbers if one one number by
and the other one by
? It is par .
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- Description: collection of exercices on calculation (fractions, signed numbers). interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games, Pôle Formation CFAI-CENTRE
- Keywords: CFAI,interactive math, server side interactivity, algebra, fraction, addition, multiplication, signed integer, priority